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Obama's a 'Powerful New Ally' for Muslim Outreach As 'Myths Abound' in America

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Eli Saslow, the young Washington Post reporter best known for his giddy promotion of Obama�"s "glistening pectorals," touted Obama as a "powerful new ally" against "Islamophobia" on the front of Wednesday�"s Style section. The protagonist of Saslow�"s story, Aida Mansoor of Hartford, Connecticut, tries to educate an apparently (and painfully) bigoted America about Islam. This is where Obama comes to the rescue:

Her attempts at cross-cultural connection can sometimes feel futile, Mansoor says, but her energy this year has been fortified by a powerful new ally: President Obama, a Christian who has promised unprecedented outreach to the Muslim world. More than 85 percent of Muslims in the United States approve of Obama's performance as president, according to a recent Gallup poll, which is his strongest endorsement from any religious group.

"What he says could go a long way toward dispelling the myths," Mansoor says. "For a long time, Muslims have been the bad guys in this country. There is so much hate and misunderstanding, and he might be able to help the world overcome some of it."

Before Obama hosts his global diversity seminar, Mansoor begins her local equivalent.

The assumption behind the Post story is that America has a long way to go to be properly "educated" that Islam is a peaceful religion. The headline was "As the Myths Abound, So Does Islamic Outreach." Will knowledge defeat ignorance? The Post's headline inside isn't optimistic: "Explaining Islam to  Americans: It's Not Any Easier These Days."

The Post doesn�"t ask: is it possible that Muslims can exaggerate the harshness and everyday commonality of "Islamophobia" among Americans? Saslow brings his story right around to how the 2008 election displayed "the worst of Islamophobia" in the United States:

After Abdul-Karim [Mansoor�"s imam] finishes his introductory lecture at the library, Mansoor plays a series of media clips compiled during the past year. The 2008 presidential election, Mansoor says, revealed the worst of Islamophobia in the United States. "Anytime you turned on the TV, they were saying, 'You know, maybe Obama is a Muslim,' " she tells the class. "Well, first of all, he's not a Muslim. But more important: So what if he was? What's wrong with that?"

Mansoor turns out the lights and starts the projector, which the class takes as a cue to relax.... One of the census employees closes his eyes as Mansoor plays the first sound bite, from a broadcast of Michael Savage's radio show:

"We have a right to know if [Obama's] a so-called friendly Muslim or one who aspires to more radical teachings," Savage says.

Then comes a clip of Sen. John McCain at one of his campaign rallies, responding to a woman who asked whether Obama was Arab: "No ma'am," McCain says. "He's a decent family man, citizen."

Eventually, Mansoor finishes with a video of an experiment conducted by a television station. The clerk at a bagel shop pretends to refuse service to a Muslim woman, and the camera focuses on other customers' responses. Three customers congratulate the clerk for taking a stand against "un-American terrorists." Several others leave the store in protest. One man, moved to tears, tells the clerk, "Every person deserves to be treated with respect, dignity."

Mansoor stops the tape and turns on the lights. She's crying. The attendees set down their pens and cellphones. They're watching now.

"This always brings tears to my eyes when I see it," Mansoor says. "This is what we face every day. Every day. Maybe it gives you a little bit of an idea what it must feel like. What are your reactions?"

Nobody speaks....

Finally, Lillian Ruiz, the human-relations director, raises her hand.

"I think we need to stand up like we did in the 1950s," Ruiz said. "You watch things like this and it makes you want to just fight back and do something, because it's so sad. Obviously, discrimination is still very alive."

"Yes," Mansoor says. "Yes. Thank you."

That's how the article ends. America's stuck in the 1950s, and Muslims are the new blacks.

Here�"s where the whole story turns on fiction: Saslow is writing about a February 26, 2008 episode of ABC�"s Primetime: What Would You Do? in which actors playing an obnoxiously bigoted clerk and an offended Muslim woman try to nudge unsuspecting members of the public into action. The "Islamophobia" is exaggerated for ratings and to make a liberal point against discriminatory attitudes. ABC�"s John Quinones, the host of these "thought experiments," explained:

QUINONES: The young woman in our experiment is an actor. But for this woman, discrimination is all too real. Nohayia Javed [ph] helped us design our experiment. Although born in Chicago, she says she's constantly characterized by fellow Americans as the enemy.

JAVED: They always start off with, 'You're a terrorist. Osama-lover. Towel-head. Camel jockey." On and on.

Fellow Americans "always start" with terrorist accusations? They�"re "constantly" attacking Muslims with harsh ridicule? At what point do ABC and The Washington Post acknowledge this kind of harassment might not be a constant occurrence?

In that 2008 segment, Quinones acknowledged "At the end of the day, 13 people stood up for the Muslim woman, while six sided with the clerk. But the majority of the bystanders, 22, did or said absolutely nothing." Because twice as many expressed offense, Quinones placed all the blame on the bystanders, so that the vast majority looked like they needed an Islamic training seminar.

PS: Here's what gets left out of the sympathetic story: does Islamic outreach always ring true? A newspaper account of another Aida Mansoor event in Connecticut features Muslim convert Ingrid Mattson uncorking this whopper:

The most common misconception about Islam is that it is oppressive to women. Muslim women, like women all over the world have often had to struggle to enjoy their natural rights, but Islam is most often seen by them as a source of strength in advocating for their rights.

Obama's a 'Powerful New Ally' for Muslim Outreach As 'Myths Abound' in America

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

posted by 77767 @ 11:29 PM, ,

Brew for the Tea Parties: ??Reagan?"s Unfinished Agenda?"

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teaparty2Over at NRO I have an article suggesting that the Tea Party movement adopt as its program what I am calling “Reagan’s Unfinished Agenda.”? In one sentence, it describes a way of going on offense, and getting out of the defensive crouch that is the dominant posture of conservatives at the moment.

… starting in 1987, Reagan offered a more comprehensive package he called the ?SEconomic Bill of Rights.? In addition to the balanced-budget and line-item veto amendments, Reagan proposed three additional amendments that would impose a federal spending limit, require a two-thirds vote of the House and Senate for any tax increases, and prohibit wage and price controls.

Brew for the Tea Parties: ??Reagan?"s Unfinished Agenda?"

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Brew for the Tea Parties: ??Reagan?"s Unfinished Agenda?"

[Source: Santa Barbara News]

Brew for the Tea Parties: ??Reagan?"s Unfinished Agenda?"

[Source: The Daily News]

posted by 77767 @ 10:55 PM, ,

Poetry Contest Inspires Palestinian Youth

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About the Author: Christina Higgins serves as Assistant Information Officer at the U.S. Consulate-General in Jerusalem.

It’s sounds corny, but it’s true. Every time I have the honor of representing the United States at a local event, I choke up. It’s not hard to represent the United States, because we stand for enduring values. President Obama spoke about these values in a powerful speech on May 21, calling them, “a light that shines for all who seek freedom, fairness, equality, and dignity….” But I also choke up, because I feel an immense honor representing my aunts and uncles in Wisconsin and Ohio, my cousins in Florida, Texas, and Oregon, my friends throughout the United States.

It happened most recently in Bethlehem. I had the honor of attending graduation at a Palestinian high school. I presented an award for the U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem’s online poetry contest. The contest winners hailed from Jerusalem, Hebron, Bethlehem and Gaza. As I entered the assembly hall, just behind the Boy Scouts clad in Scottish kilts, I was reminded of the fascinating and rich history of the Holy Land, where young Palestinians play traditional Arabic tunes on bagpipes. I presented the award to the winner, the beaming graduate, Khalid, and congratulated him on his poem, “Let’s rejoice. It’s Springtime!” Reflecting the contest’s theme of nature and conservation, he wrote, “I see the flowers, the roses, everywhere, like the stars in the sky…I hear the sound of rivers and waterfalls, like a melody and a song.”

Khalid displayed all the exuberance of a high school graduate anywhere in the world. He was looking toward the future with anticipation. In fact, many in the region are filled with anticipation, encouraged by U.S. statements of support for the two-state solution, a future where Israel and a Palestinian state will live together in peace and security. All eyes are now on Egypt where President Obama will deliver an important speech on June 4 about America's relations with the Muslim world. I am sure that Khalid will be listening.

Poetry Contest Inspires Palestinian Youth

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

posted by 77767 @ 10:11 PM, ,

Experts to Analyze Current Public Opinion on Immigration Reform; How Does the American Public Feel About Immigration Reform in a

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Tomorrow, Tuesday, June 2, leading pollsters and political experts have scheduled a teleconference to discuss the findings and implications of a series of recent polls and focus groups on immigration reform. Pollsters Pete Brodnitz of Benenson Strategy Group and Celinda Lake of Lake Research Partners will join immigration and political experts Simon Rosenberg, President, NDN, and Frank Sharry, Executive Director, America's Voice, on a teleconference call to analyze American voters' attitudes toward tackling comprehesive immigration reform this year.

Tomorrow's teleconference call comes in advance of President Barack Obama's June 8 meeting with congresional leaders to discuss immigration reform. Meanwhile, as the research from Benenson Strategy Group and Lake Research Partners shows, the American people want a solution to the nation's broken immigration system, even during a down economy, and are frustrated with Washington's inaction and want policymakers to tackle this critical issue.

The conference call is scheduled for 11 a.m. ET tomorrow. The dial-in number is 800-862-9098. The passcode is 7REFORM.

Experts to Analyze Current Public Opinion on Immigration Reform; How Does the American Public Feel About Immigration Reform in a

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Experts to Analyze Current Public Opinion on Immigration Reform; How Does the American Public Feel About Immigration Reform in a

[Source: Abc 7 News]

posted by 77767 @ 10:03 PM, ,


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