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Shuffleboard in Puducherry

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Steve Herzfeld managed an admirably inventive end-run around high healthcare costs for his Parkinson's- and Alzheimer's-afflicted parents. After in-home care was no longer possible, he priced American nursing homes, but found that the cheapest acceptable option was still $6,000. So he sent them to India. Quality elderly care in Puducherry cost less than his father's fixed income. According to the Guardian:

[In India, Herzfeld] could give his parents a much higher standard of care than would have been possible in the US for his father's income of $2,000 (£1,200) a month. In India that paid for their rent, a team of carers—a cook, a valet for his father, nurses to be with his mother 12 hours a day, six days a week, a physiotherapist and a masseuse—and drugs (costing a fifth of US prices), and also allowed them to put some money away...."In India, they really like older people," says Herzfeld, describing how the staff seemed to regard his parents as their own family.

Of course, the care was inexpensive because a couple thousand bucks goes further in Puducherry than it might in, say, Fort Lauderdale. Herzfeld, though, apparently believes that it was cheap because elderly care in America is greedily overpriced by providers. He vents about about healthcare and the profit motive: 

[Herzfeld] believes that India could teach the US and UK a lot about care of the elderly. "In America, healthcare is done for profit, so that skews the whole thing and makes it very inhuman in its values," he says.

I try not to begrudge a man his fantasies, but the idea that the nurses, valets, and masseuses of Puducherry were doing it all out of the goodness of their hearts—rather than the goodness of their paychecks—is condescending. It was simple outsourcing, not subcontinental altruism, that saved Steve Herzfeld so much money.

In Reason's May 2009 print edition, Ronald Bailey wrote about the outsourcing of hip replacement.

Shuffleboard in Puducherry

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Shuffleboard in Puducherry

[Source: Wb News]

Shuffleboard in Puducherry

[Source: Mexico News]

Shuffleboard in Puducherry

[Source: Nascar News]

Shuffleboard in Puducherry

[Source: Wb News]

posted by 77767 @ 5:53 PM, ,

Sotomayor On Abortion

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Tom Goldstein of SCOTUSblog studies Sotomayor's abortion rulings:

On the whole, my impression of Judge Sotomayor's opinions and rulings in this area is that they depend very much on the particular facts and questions before the court and aren't driven in any respect by a broader pro-choice or pro-life ideology.

Sotomayor On Abortion

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Sotomayor On Abortion

[Source: Abc 7 News]

Sotomayor On Abortion

[Source: Advertising News]

Sotomayor On Abortion

[Source: News 4]

Sotomayor On Abortion

[Source: 11 Alive News]

posted by 77767 @ 4:57 PM, ,

The Sorting Table -- Like A Bowl Full Of Jelly

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The Sorting Table -- Like A Bowl Full Of Jelly

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

The Sorting Table -- Like A Bowl Full Of Jelly

[Source: News Channel]

The Sorting Table -- Like A Bowl Full Of Jelly

[Source: Nascar News]

posted by 77767 @ 3:57 PM, ,

Obama's Arab audience: Tough, gaining

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by Mark Silva

President Barack Obama will face a tough audience when he delivers his long-promised address to the Muslim world on Thursday from Cairo University.

In some of the Arab nations and territory in the region, most notably his host country of Egypt, public views about the "job performance of the leadership of the United States'' have improved remarkably from one president to the next - from the view that Arabs held of former President George W. Bush's leadership last summer, to the views they voiced of Obama's leadership in March.

Yet even in Saudi Arabia and Egypt, the two nations where Obama will begin his journey this week, a positive view of U.S. leadership is still shared by about one in four of those surveyed: Up from 12 percent last summer to 29 percent in Saudi Arabia, according to survey results released today by the Gallup Poll on the eve of the president's trip, and up from just 6 percent to 25 percent in Egypt.

"These upsurges, which ranged from 11 percentage points in Syria to 23 points in Tunisia, may reflect positive reception to Obama and his administration's public outreach to the Muslim world,'' Gallup reports today. "Obama will deliver his message Thursday with an arguably stronger basis of support than his predecessor ever had in many Arab countries. Nonetheless, approval remains low and underscores the work that remains as Obama seeks to pave a new, more positive way forward.''

In nearly all of the 11 nations and territories where the public was surveyed, public opinion of the U.S. leadership has improved from last year - up 23 percent in Tunisia, from 14 to 37, up 22 points in Algergia from 25 to 47, up 14 points in Qatar, from 8 to 22 percent, up 13 in Kuwait, from 20 ro 33, up 11 in Syria, from 4 to 15 percentage point approval.

In two palaces, however, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories, the view of U.S. leadership is no brighter today than it was last summer: 22 percent approval registered in Lebanon, down from 25 points last summer, 7 percent in the Palestinian territories, down from 13 points in June.

Obama's Arab audience: Tough, gaining

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Obama's Arab audience: Tough, gaining

[Source: Abc 7 News]

Obama's Arab audience: Tough, gaining

[Source: Nbc News]

Obama's Arab audience: Tough, gaining

[Source: Online News]

Obama's Arab audience: Tough, gaining

[Source: World News]

posted by 77767 @ 2:29 PM, ,


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